
Rich #35

Monday, April 21, 2008

Wrestling at Elmhurst

Granted, I was only part of the Elmhurst Wrestling Team for about 4 months, which was mostly pre-season so I was unable to experience the full regular season, I do believe I experienced enough to talk a bit about it. The time that I did spend on the team, spanning from August to November, involved vigorous workouts, along with intense training and practices. During the summer until mid-October or so, we had running or weight training every day but Sunday. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays were spent in the weight room, then Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays were spent running miles or sprinting up hills and stairs. After being involved with all of that for four months I'm pretty sure I was in the best shape of my life. Come Mid-October into November, we began actual practices everyday I believe from 3-6pm or so. Practices, for the time being, were held at York High School. Practice involved a great cardio workout through practicing shots, takedowns, and fine-tuning other moves.
Now, the fact that I am a commuter, as well as the fact that I work two jobs and am paying for my own education led me to make the decision to no longer be a part of the team and complete the season. It was basically the inability to manage wrestling along with all my other commitments, and I could not put all the time into this extra-curricular that was necessary to be successful. That's a little explination I wanted to give because not many people knew the reasoning behind me leaving.

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